
Satisfied Customers

We are proud of the recognition of our clients to our daily effort and dedication.

"What an amazing tour. It was simultaneously enthralling, exciting and educational. The hospitalityprovided was superb and it was a real privilege to meet the Around Art team."

H.M. UK (2014)

"One of the most extraordinary and memorable tour experiences ever, and for that, I am truly grateful."

C.C Nueva York, EEUU (2014)

"Two lines to thank you for your professionalism and good manners in the trip that you organized forthe members of the Circulo Equestre. We were all delighted and eager to repeat."

A.B. Barcelona, Spain (2015)

"We would like to thank you for the fabulous organization of our trip. Needless to say how everyone enjoyed your company and your vast knowledge of art, art history and Zurbaran. It would be a pleasure to work with you again"

A.B y B.B, Düsseldorf, Germany (2015)

  • K.H. Baltimore, USA (2007)
    "We cannot thank you enough for the spectacular week you organized. You and your superb staff gave us a special glimpse into Madrid life and culture which no one else could have provided."
    K.H. Baltimore, USA (2007)
  • E.R. Pennsylvania, USA (2014)
    "You are a genius finding great places to go, people to meet, food to eat and i could go on and on. It was ideal i look forward to the next venture."
    E.R. Pennsylvania, USA (2014)
  • B.E.& P.E.Brasil (2013)
    "..The trip you organized for us through Andalucíawas stunning, it could not have been better. Iwas impressed by your efficiency, organization, charm and willingness toplease everyone."
    B.E.& P.E.Brasil (2013)